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Navigating the Nuances: 6 Myths and Realities about the World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Navigating the Nuances: 6 Myths and Realities about the World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Healthy Horizons is proud to be WHO Code Compliant. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in the marketing of our products and supporting breastfeeding as the optimal way to nourish infants.

The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code), established by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a crucial framework for protecting and promoting breastfeeding. It aims to ensure that the marketing of breastmilk substitutes, feeding bottles, and teats does not undermine breastfeeding practices. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding compliance with the Code. Let's debunk six common myths!

by Healthy Horizons on September 24, 2024
Chestfeeding: An Inclusive Approach to Infant Feeding

Chestfeeding: An Inclusive Approach to Infant Feeding

For many people, the act of feeding a newborn baby from the chest or breast is a natural and intimate experience that strengthens the bond between parent and child. However, not all individuals who breastfeed identify as women. For those who may identify as non-binary, transgender, or gender-nonconforming, the language and cultural norms surrounding breastfeeding can feel exclusive and alienating.
by Healthy Horizons on June 27, 2023

Top Lactation Room Design Ideas

So, you’re in human resources or facilities management and you've...
by Healthy Horizons on March 11, 2021
TOP 5 Employer Gifts for New Parents - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

TOP 5 Employer Gifts for New Parents

This holiday season show your employees how much you support...
by Healthy Horizons on December 11, 2020

TOP 5 Questions for Your Virtual Lactation Consultation

The current pandemic has helped us all realize the fragility...
by Healthy Horizons on November 30, 2020
A Guide to Choosing the Best Corporate Lactation Program - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

A Guide to Choosing the Best Corporate Lactation Program

New federal health care regulations created to promote the support...
by Healthy Horizons on November 02, 2020

Workplace Breastfeeding Laws

Are you familiar with the workplace breastfeeding laws in your...
by Healthy Horizons on October 21, 2020
Workplace Breastfeeding Laws By State - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Workplace Breastfeeding Laws By State

32 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico...
by Healthy Horizons on October 20, 2020
Difference Between Breastfeeding Certifications: IBCLC, CLC, CLE and Others - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Difference Between Breastfeeding Certifications: IBCLC, CLC, CLE and Others

Finding the proper expert guidance when it comes to your...
by Healthy Horizons on October 06, 2020
Diversity and Inclusion in Breastfeeding - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Diversity and Inclusion in Breastfeeding

To show our commitment to diversity and inclusion Healthy Horizons...
by Healthy Horizons on September 12, 2020
Comparing Medela Symphony and Ameda Platinum Hospital Grade Breastpumps - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Comparing Medela Symphony and Ameda Platinum Hospital Grade Breastpumps

Comparing the Medela Symphony and Ameda Platinum Hospital Grade Breastpumps...
by Healthy Horizons on September 02, 2020
Your Guide to National Breastfeeding Month 2020! - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Your Guide to National Breastfeeding Month 2020!

August is National Breastfeeding Month! Healthy Horizons, The United States...
by Healthy Horizons on July 30, 2020
Reopening Mother’s Rooms at Work - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Reopening Mother’s Rooms at Work

Under the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision enacted in...
by Healthy Horizons on July 14, 2020
From Remote Work to Reopening: Breastfeeding Moms Matter - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

From Remote Work to Reopening: Breastfeeding Moms Matter

There are no shortcuts in making sure employees are safe,...
by Healthy Horizons on May 21, 2020
Mom Moments: Bridge Your Way Back to the Workplace - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Mom Moments: Bridge Your Way Back to the Workplace

As Mother’s Day approaches, many new moms and moms-to-be already...
by Healthy Horizons on May 07, 2020
Mother’s Rooms Rising in Popularity as Employee Benefit - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Mother’s Rooms Rising in Popularity as Employee Benefit

Trying to ace the competition for top talent among working...
by Healthy Horizons on March 13, 2020
Under the Lab Coat: Medical Student Moms who Nurse - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Under the Lab Coat: Medical Student Moms who Nurse

Medical residencies are a notoriously grueling rite of passage. But...
by Healthy Horizons on March 05, 2020
California's New Lactation Law SB142 - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

California's New Lactation Law SB142

  California recently passed Bill SB 142 which significantly expands...
by Healthy Horizons on December 12, 2019
The Meaning of Corporate Lactation - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

The Meaning of Corporate Lactation

The importance of incorporating support for breastfeeding in the workplace...
by Healthy Horizons on October 30, 2019
Reading Material Ideas For Your Mother’s Room - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Reading Material Ideas For Your Mother’s Room

Having reading material for pumping moms is a nice amenity...
by Healthy Horizons on May 16, 2019