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Blog filter by Baby Food

Chestfeeding: An Inclusive Approach to Infant Feeding

Chestfeeding: An Inclusive Approach to Infant Feeding

For many people, the act of feeding a newborn baby from the chest or breast is a natural and intimate experience that strengthens the bond between parent and child. However, not all individuals who breastfeed identify as women. For those who may identify as non-binary, transgender, or gender-nonconforming, the language and cultural norms surrounding breastfeeding can feel exclusive and alienating.
by Healthy Horizons on June 27, 2023
Is Baby-Led Weaning Right For My Baby? - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Is Baby-Led Weaning Right For My Baby?

Introducing solids can be a challenge for any parent. Many...
by Healthy Horizons on March 03, 2020
Introducing Solids To Your Baby - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Introducing Solids To Your Baby

Introducing baby to solids is often a confusing topic for...
by Healthy Horizons on February 21, 2019
Mom Hack: Make Fall Harvest Baby Food Purees - Healthy Horizons

Mom Hack: Make Fall Harvest Baby Food Purees

With the fall harvest comes a delicious assortment of just...
by Healthy Horizons on October 17, 2018
Baby’s First Fruits and Vegetables - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Baby’s First Fruits and Vegetables

Introducing Solid Foods to Babies If your baby is ready...
by Healthy Horizons on May 24, 2018
Why Wait Until 6 Months For Solids? - Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, Inc.

Why Wait Until 6 Months For Solids?

Why Wait Until 6 Months For Solids? It’s a common...
by Healthy Horizons on August 17, 2017