35 Years Supporting Mothers & Babies: Learn About Our Partnership with Mothers' Milk Bank

TOP 5 Questions for Your Virtual Lactation Consultation

by Healthy Horizons on November 30, 2020

The current pandemic has helped us all realize the fragility of life, and breastfeeding your newborn is no exception. Here at Healthy Horizons, we take safety as the number one priority, and that’s why our Virtual Lactation Consultations are such a great option for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021.

In this blog, we take a deep dive into what a Virtual Lactation Consultation looks like with our Healthy Horizons’ International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.

Take a look at what our Lactation Consultant, Elaine, has to say about current virtual lactation consultations:

Here are our TOP 5 most asked (and answered) questions about Virtual Lactation Consultations:

  1. Can a lactation consultant really help me without being in the same room as me?

Yes, absolutely. Video sharing allows us to gain a great sense of what your needs are.

We are able to observe a feeding session between you and your baby and look at any issues in real-time. Sometimes, we might ask for pictures or videos to help us see in more detail what is going on.

  1. What does a virtual lactation consultation typically look like? How long do they last?

Your visit will take place on our HIPAA-compliant video conferencing system. We ask that you have a computer, tablet, or phone to log into the video meeting. Some parents find it helpful to log in with two devices to help us see any issues from different angles. You may find it beneficial to have your partner there to help hold the phone and support your positioning. Most visits are an hour-long, but visits for twins can be up to 2 hours.

  1. What do I need to be ready and get the most out of this appointment?

  2. Before: Set up your area with the camera facing you and your baby, prepare your questions (don’t hold back any questions! We’ve heard it all!), get into a comfortable position, and if possible, have your partner join you.

  3. During: We will answer all your questions, look at the latch, and observe a feeding. We will look at how your baby’s tongue lifts, maintains suction, extends, and cups your finger. We will discuss milk supply and ways to make sure that your baby is getting enough. We can also help with any breast pumping questions.

  4. After: Take the knowledge you’ve learned and the wisdom you’ve gained over the past 60 minutes with you! The tips and tricks shared with you during a lactation consultation are meant to provide support long after the session has ended. If you are ready, you can book another appointment!

  1. How can I tell if my baby is getting enough milk without the IBCLC’s baby scale?

That’s a great question... and the only downfall to not being in person with an IBCLC. Fortunately, we rent baby scales! You can use your baby scale at home to measure the weight of your baby before and after feeding to get the amount of milk that they have consumed.

  1. I prefer to learn in person. What are my options?

Healthy Horizons offers in-home visits as well as lactation consultations at our Burlingame Breastfeeding Center. Our in-home services cover the San Francisco Bay Area. This includes San Francisco County, San Mateo County Coast, North and Mid Santa Clara County, and parts of the East Bay.

Now, you’re all set! Ready to schedule your first virtual visit? Sign-up for one today: here. Learn more about our IBCLC team at Healthy Horizons.