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Reading Material Ideas For Your Mother’s Room

by Healthy Horizons on May 16, 2019

Having reading material for pumping moms is a nice amenity for your mother’s room. It’s a great way for moms to relax while pumping which helps them produce more milk. Have popular magazines or books on hand, especially on topics of motherhood, parenting and nursing. Books on nursing are great resources that let moms learn more about breastfeeding and working or read up on breastfeeding topics. Here are Healthy Horizons’s recommendations for reading material in your mother’s room!

Some great books for mothers to read while nursing are

Magazines that are great for moms to read are:

  • Working Mothers Magazine

  • Parenting Magazine

  • Parents

  • American Baby

  • Babytalk

  • New Parent Magazine

  • Baby & Toddler

  • Your Local Area Parent Magazines

To keep reading material fresh, print out relevant blog articles and post them in the mother’s room. Healthy Horizons has a blog on Breastfeeding Advice and Guidance that covers a range of useful topics! You can post links to Breastfeeding USA or the American Academy of Pediatrics as a reference for moms to read on their laptops while pumping. encourage moms to donate books or magazines they’ve enjoyed to share!

For more ideas on reading material for your Mother’s room, contact Healthy Horizons Corporate Lactation Services!