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Comparing Medela Symphony and Ameda Platinum Hospital Grade Breastpumps

by Healthy Horizons on September 02, 2020

Comparing the Medela Symphony and Ameda Platinum Hospital Grade Breastpumps is common amongst new mothers who plan on breastpumping at work or at home, and employers looking for a workplace breastpump for their mother’s room.

The Ameda Platinum and Medela Symphony breastpumps are closed systems, and hospital grade pumps. Closed system means there is a barrier between the pump and your breastmilk, so no breastmilk can get into the pump. Hospital grade means the pumps are used in hospitals and are designed for multiple users. You will commonly see the Ameda Platinum or the Medela Symphony inside corporate lactation rooms.

Healthy Horizons has selected the Symphony and Platinum as the top breastpumps for workplaces and for pumping at home because they’re efficient, comfortable, and the most reliable technology for mothers. They are the highest-powered and best quality breastpumps that allow mothers to customize their suction, speed, and let-down routines. The top reasons moms keep investing in the Platinum and Symphony breastpumps are the ease and support mothers gain from using them.

We've broken down the differences between the two hospital grade breastpumps, and provided you with a side by side comparison.


Medela Symphony

The Medela Symphony has preprogrammed speeds to help with letdown and milk expression. Letdown runs at the higher speed of 120 cycles per minute, and milk extraction runs at the lower speed of 40 cycles per minute. After the pump is turned on it automatically goes through this suction curve. You can adjust the suction with the dial during both cycles as needed.The Symphony is physically lighter, and may be easier to carry from place to place. The Symphony uses exclusive pump attachment kits, they can be used with some other Medela breastpumps if you purchase conversion parts. The attachment kit is connected by opening the lid of the pump.

Ameda Platinum

The Ameda Platinum offers multiple combinations of suction and cycle

speed for maximum comfort and expression. This is achieved by letting you adjust cycle speed and suction independently as needed. The Ameda Platinum has a larger suction range of 30 mmHg to 250 mmHg, and can operate at the lower speed of 30 cycles per minute. The pump itself is one piece, with no parts that the user will open. This pump uses the HygieniKit™ Milk Collection System with a built in barrier to prevent milk backflow into tubing. The Platinum uses universal attachment kits that can be used with Ameda’s other breastpumps. The attachment kit is connected to the face of the pump by using an adapter that comes with the attachment kit.

Both Breastpumps

These top breastpumps both come with a bottle holder, support single or double pumping, and have a 3-year warranty. They are rated for up to 250 mmHg, but sometimes have higher suction rates such as 275 mmHg when you use them at full power. Most pumping moms will be expressing breastmilk in the range of 150 to 200 mmHg regardless of whether their pump can reach or exceed 250 mmHg at its maximum setting. Some personal-use breastpumps advertise higher suction levels, such as 300 mmHg, but the Ameda Platinum and Medela Symphony hospital grade breastpumps are still better quality and have more robust motors.

You can rent or purchase hospital grade pumps. Visit BreastpumpRentalsOnline.com to rent either hospital grade pump, or purchase them with a 3-year warranty. These pumps are great for new moms who need the reliability, strength, and one of the best breastpumps available. You'll simply get more breastmilk in less time with hospital grade breastpumps, and what mama doesn’t want that?