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Detroit News features Ford Motor Co. and Healthy Horizons

by Healthy Horizons on November 30, 2019

Healthy Horizons CEO Sheila Dukas-Janakos is featured in a Detroit News report, "Mother's rooms make back-to-work transition easier for working moms," on Ford Motor Co. and mother's rooms. Below is an excerpt:

"I still to this day have moms calling me with horror stories — how they’re pumping in the bathroom and not allowed to take breaks," Janakos said. 

But Janakos, who consulted with Ford on its rooms, says it's actually in a company's best interest — and it bolsters the bottom line — to support nursing moms. Her firm has found a 5-to-1 return on investment for a comprehensive lactation program, meaning for every $1 they spend on a mother's room and breast pump equipment, they earn $5. 

By making it easier for nursing moms, it cuts down on sick days and reduces how much an employer would potentially spend on training a new employee, Janakos said.

Interested in Healthy Horizons' services to support mother's rooms at work and breastfeeding mothers at home? Contact Healthy Horizons at Services@hh-bc.com or (650) 579-2726