35 Years Supporting Mothers & Babies: Learn About Our Partnership with Mothers' Milk Bank

Probiotics in Breastmilk 

Babies receive beneficial probiotic bacteria from their mother's breastmilk and special sugars to develop the necessary gut bacteria for digestive health. However, sometimes this bacteria balance gets upset. This is common if mom or baby has to take antibiotics or develops thrush. Infant probiotics can reduce harmful bacteria and put the gut flora back in balance. Although more research is needed, baby probiotics may also help reduce colic in babies.

Infant Probiotics

Before giving your infant any probiotics, be sure to consult your doctor. Routine use of infant probiotic supplements should be done under the supervision of your baby's health care provider. At our Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Centers, we carry Baby's Jarro-Dophilus® + GOS which is an infant probiotic powder that can be mixed in with breastmilk. It also contains a prebiotic natural fiber to help probiotics thrive. Stop by our breastfeeding centers if your pediatrician recommends a probiotic for your baby!