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Buying/Renting a Hospital Grade Breastpump

Top Reasons Why Healthy Horizons Recommends Buying/Renting a Hospital Grade Breastpump:

1. A hospital grade pump helps increase milk supply.

2. A hospital grade pump reduces pumping time by facilitating faster let-down.

3. A hospital grade pump helps mothers who have low milk supply, who are establishing milk supply, and who want to start storing breastmilk.

4. A hospital grade pump quickly alleviates engorgement.

Breastpump Guide:

Healthy Horizons knows all the breastpumps inside and out. We have had a long history of renting and testing each individual breastpumps (even the old, foot-powered wooden pumps). The "Breastpump Guide" reviews the latest breastpumps features to help you make an informative decision.

Healthy Horizons Breastpump Recommendation:

At the Healthy Horizons Breastfeeding Center we highly recommend renting or buying the Medela Symphony and the Ameda Platinum. There is high demand for these two pumps because mothers are highly satisfied with the results. Healthy Horizons has selected the Symphony and Platinum as the top breastpumps because they’re efficient, comfortable, and the most reliable technology for mothers. They are the highest-powered and best quality breastpumps that allow mothers to customize their suction, speed, and let-down routines. The top reasons moms keep investing in the Symphony and Platinum breastpumps are the ease and support mothers gain from using it. Finally, these hospital grade pumps are especially great when you want to establish milk production in the first week after the baby is born. In addition, breastpumps helps maintain milk supply, store breastmilk for future use, and alleviate any engorgement.