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Every parent has gone through the confusion of trying to guess what their baby is thinking. Your baby cries when it's hungry and cries when it wants to be held. It becomes the guessing game for a while until you start noticing patterns and behaviors the baby makes when they are hungry, thirsty, hot, and so on! Teaching your baby baby sign language for basic concepts (hungry, water, milk, sleep, more, hot, bath, etc) opens the door to better communication and comprehension.
Healthy Horizons is a big supporter of baby sign language. Here are the top reasons why baby sign language is advantageous!
1. Baby Sign Language allows babies to communicate to what they want.
A parent becomes more tuned in with their baby which enhances both the infant's and the parent's confidence.
2. Reduce frustration by using baby sign language and help address the cause of the tantrums.
Tantrums arise when baby doesn't get what it wants or needs, sign language reduces the feelings of anger or frustration by simply reading the baby's sign. Overall, baby sign language reduces the baby's stress.
3. Communication between you and your baby will strengthen your bond.
Your bond with your baby is strengthened because baby sign language increases eye contact and tactile contact.
4. Promotes verbal communication development by integrating sign language into songs, games, and stories.

Research studies show that babies who sign have increased rates of verbal development. Acknowledging the baby's signs reinforces confidence and provides a positive environment for growth.
5. Helps with bilingualism because it utilizes different parts of the brain that are responsible for language.
Teaching your baby at a young age to sign helps develop the language part of the brain. In addition, the visual aspect of baby sign language exercises the right side of the brain.
Sign up for the Baby Sign Language Class now !
Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 1:30pm with William Paul White
Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 1:30pm with William Paul White
The Baby Sign Language Class will help you understand what your baby wants to say!
During this 1.5 hour workshop, you will be introduced to 45+ basic signs. Fun exercises and games will show you how easy it can be to integrate these signs into your everyday routine and jump-start your child’s verbal communication.